Alluring Seats
Out of the ordinary chair designs elevate curiosity and leave lasting impressions for those on the hunt for extraordinary finds. These eye–catching Dorya seats create energy with brilliant details, and offer the added spark in the design selection. Enjoy these compelling discoveries for one who is seeking a distinctive persona of style.
Classic tailoring is timeless yet- of – the-moment. Vertical play on fabric combinations offers a crisp and fresh reveal as seen on the K.1195 Carlyle Chair. Take notice of the fabric variance detail on the arms, distinctive double antique brass nail trim seat and lovely mahogany carved legs.
The unique hourglass silhouette design displays dramatic appeal with off center composition of contrasting fabrics as seen on the K.1190 MacKenzie Chairs. Stainless nail trim frames the seat.
The perfect balancing act for that room that needs the extra sparkle for intimate seating. Dorya’s K.1188L/R Savannah Chairs are glamorousfeaturing lush velvet asymmetrical chairs outlined with meticulous trim details and accent contrast pillows.
Fashionable refinement is accentuated with stylish turquoise fabric design. The modern K.1194 Pasha Chair showcases weltless cushions, stainless steel nail trim, and Dorya’s Signature style- the vertical band pillow.
Cool vibe K.1234 Luna Chair - In a class of it's own, this modish chair displays whimsy bold shapes with soothing Lagoon semi-gloss finish. The contrasting neutral, tight-back seat fabric is defined with stainless steel nail trim.